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Recruitment is how we find new members of PGN at IU. It is an opportnity for us to meet you, for you to meet us, and learn what being a PGN brother is all about. All freshman and sophomores are welcome to recruit, regardless of your major or year in school. Our Vice President of Membership, Greta Weeks, welcomes you to Recruitment on behalf of the IU chapter.

What is recruitment?
Can I recruit if I am not in Kelley?

Yes! We encourage any and all majors from different schools to apply. PGN serves as a professional development organization where you have the opportunity to build yourself as a professional, which is not limited to a specific major. Just be open and yourself!

Our events have different dress codes depending on the event. Reference the Recruitment Schedule for more information on event specifics.

What do I wear?
What if I don't own
professional wear?

No worries at all! PGN has partnered with DSP and AKPsi for Attire for All. Attire for All is a program that sources second-hand professional wear for students without the resources to purchase their own. Check out this page for more details and fill out this form to participate in Attire for All. If you would like to donate to Attire for All, please fill out this form.

What do I say?

Just be yourself! In PGN, we want to find brothers with diverse and unique interests. So, introduce yourself and tell us about who you are and what you're passionate about. PGN brothers from every class sign a diversity pledge, so if you think you could help foster a diverse and inclusive environment in PGN; definitely talk about that! Scroll through our Instagram which showcases some of our Brothers and their passions!

Where do I go?

Feeling a bit lost? Check out the other pages under our site's Recruitment tab or (surprise surprise) reference the Recruitment Schedule to see where the upcoming rush events are located. 

How do I start

Recruiting PGN is as easy as showing up to our events and talking to our Brothers! Recruitment starts with a series of open events followed by an application and an invitation to closed events. Throughout the process, we ensure equal opportunity for all seeking membership to PGN. If we need you to bring your resume, we will let you know in advance. Reference the Recruitment Schedule for more information on event specifics.

Didn't find what you were looking for?


Reach out to us on Instagram or send us an email at

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